Friday, December 26, 2014

Card of the Day - 2013 Allen and Ginter : Don Sutton Mini Frame Autograph Red Ink Variant (39/66)

Right card at the right time.

I just love these red ink variants from the Allen Ginter brand as luckily I have acquired a couple since I jumped back into card collecting. These always have a low number as my Trout one is numbered to 31 and the Hamilton and Braun ones are numbered to 10. Well I always knew this card existed but I wasn't going to spend an arm and a leg for it.

Since I sold Sutton's signed ball I guess this counts as a reacquired autograph even though I do have a Sutton Museum card from earlier last year. Due to the fact that there are only 66 copies of this card only so many pop up on eBay to bid on. I have lost the couple I have tried to win as book has the card valued at $50. A card I wanted but never intended to pay a lot for.

Two auctions prior to this card's auction closed at $49 and $40. An auction after this one closed at $33. I was in on all of them but each surpassed my price ceiling. One night before I was about to go to bed I searched for this card and it came up on a BIN auction. The cost? $15 delivered. Was it a mistake by the seller? Don't know, don't care. I clicked the button to lock in the price and sent him my payment using comic sales funds and had this beauty show up a week or so later.

It pays to just hit the search button at random times during the day or in this case night.

39 of 66

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