Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving From The Penguin

It's that time of the year once again and no I am not talking about prepping the course of action for tomorrow's Black Friday shopping onslaught. Ha Ha. No, it's Thanksgiving once again and no matter what the tv or the shopping ads say it's about family and what you have, not what you don't have or want.

Though I search each and everyday on the net especially on eBay for items I want or mentally deem to need I try to stop and realize how good I already have it and how blessed my life truly is. The most important person in my life is my better half as shown here in Penguin form.

The wife and I if we were actual Penguins

I am thankfully that she came into my life over 9 1/2 years ago and that she has been my wife for more than 7 1/2. Life wouldn't be as good if she wasn't in mine. Thank you for everything you have and will ever give me. It never has gone unnoticed and hopefully I can and will do the same for you.

There is so much more that I am thankful for and most if not all is here :

  • Mother - For raising me the right way and being there through the thick and thin of growing up
  • Rest of the Family - I am blessed to be in a great family and whether I mention it on any type of constant basis I am glad that you are my family and I yours
  • Health - For just turning 40 I am in pretty good shape and I am ecstatic and blessed to be able to say that. So many people can not say that and I for one know that I have it good when it comes to that.
  • Job - With the job market as it is I am thankful that I am employed and can pay my bills in a timely matter and not worry about where my next meal is coming from or if I have a roof over my head
  • Friends - Each and everyone of you have given something to my life that has made it better and/or I've learned something from something you have shown me. For that I am thankful.
  • You - To each and everyone of you that has read/commented/listened etc to this blog on any given day. I appreciate you all. I have made a small niche for myself in the internet and blogosphere worlds and you are a part of that, my blog family. 
I am sure I have forgotten something or possibly someone and to that I say sorry but nonetheless know that I am thankful for everything and everyone in my life good or bad. The bad makes you appreciate the good and the good makes you realize how blessed you are.

Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family !!!


  1. I've been married just a year longer and almost did a tribute post for my wife, my marriage being the thing I'm most thankful for. Very nice. Collecting is fun but it would mean nothing without our wives. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. We might drive our wives crazy with our obsessions with autographs and cards (to fair they drive us crazy with their "habits") but you are right. Its much more fun with someone to share the craziness with. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
