Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kershaw #walletcard Contest Blog Specific Point Earning Opportunity # 5

I finished off the "Orange is the New Black" book a couple weeks ago and even though I am reading my weekly/monthly periodicals it was time to start up another book that is in my pile at home. I try to alternate between subject matters so I don't get overly bored when I start a new read. Next up will be a baseball related book but it was time for some science fiction fun.

Robogensis is a sequel to an acclaimed book from a couple years back. The ending to that book left the door open to future stories and surprise, surprise here it is. Just a few chapters in and it is holding my interest.

For one point in the #kershawwalletcard contest what is the original/first book in the series titled?

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day.


  1. Robopocalypse-------late again.:(

    1. If you stopped watching Giants games you would be online to win a point.
      Ha Ha...
      Hope you and fam had a great time

    2. haha...

      thanks, but what "fam"? I rolled with a buddy, sans wife and children. :)
