Monday, October 28, 2013

Card of the Day - 2013 Topps : Paco Rodriguez Chasing History Insert Autograph . . . Redemption Card

For someone that hates redemptions I seem to be really doing my best in acquiring more and more of them. This is my fourth one in the past few months but this was bought due to it being a deal in comparison to the other option.

I wanted another Paco autograph and saw that he had an entry in this year's series two from Topps. I have seem them pop up on eBay and selling for over $5 as I have lost on a few of those auctions. Didn't feel that this autograph warranted that much but always kept an eye out for a bargain. Well this card came up but it is a redemption of the same card that was inserted into packs. Guess Topps couldn't get all of them out in time for the release.

I guess people didn't want to wait for their card when they could get the actual card from other sellers at a faster pace. I am in no hurry to get the card and with the auction nearing it's end there was no action on it so I put my bid in and won the "card" for a total of just $3. Granted that is only $2 or so less than the other auctions that I lost out on but that is $2 I can use on another card. So that is now four redeemed cards I am waiting for. I am a patient man so it's all good.

Paco . . . Redeemed and waiting.


  1. Hey I am a huge Paco Rodriguez fan and I was wondering if you have any of his cards that you would be willing to sell or trade. I am starting a Paco PC and I would like to add to it. Let me know whenever you get a chance. Thanks.

    1. Good morning. If you take a gander at "personal collection" up to the right you will see what I have. What are you proposing for a trade? Have a good one
